Light Up Hope Uganda, was initiated with the commitment and plight of transforming the most vulnerable livelihoods and communities to live a better life through mitigating the root causes of their vulnerabilities culturally, spiritually, economically and socially. We are purely a humanitarian voluntary based initiative currently without any reliable source of funding or donor agency other than support from our own pockets, friends, sympathizers, local and international volunteers in terms of skills, advocacy, fundraising, etc when implementing our activities.Without the worthy support from people like you in all ways possible, Light Up Hope Uganda wouldn't be where it is today. It is our continuous appeal to like minded initiatives like you to support us in any way you can to enable us continue supporting those that need help most in the communities that we serve because as a small and just growing initiative, we can't continue doing what we do for the marginalized communities/livelihoods in isolation of valuable external support.
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